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We're in Chandler, 2750 E. Germann Road, Arizona, 85286.


Ortho-K and iSee Lenses

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), is a FDA approved method of treating and correcting nearsightedness known as myopia. Ortho-K corneal refractive treatment uses specially designed highly oxygen permeable contact lenses to gently reshape your corneas while you sleep. After removing the lenses in the morning, your vision is generally correct to 20/20 or better without the need for day time contact lenses or glasses. This effect lasts all day in most cases and may last for several days depending on your prescription and other factors.

The iSee ortho-k lens is the culmination of many years of experience and research resulting in a highly effective lens used in the treatment process of Ortho-k. Orthokeratology may be used for either monovision or binocular vision correction.

iSee Ortho-k lenses are designed to gently reshape the first few microns of the cornea while you sleep. Once the lenses are removed in the morning, the slight change in the curvature of the corneal surface results in clear vision during waking hours thus reducing your dependency on daytime contact lenses or glasses. The best part about iSee Ortho-k lenses is that they are safe, non-surgical, non-invasive and, if you decide to discontinue treatment, reversible.

Schedule An Eye Exam
  • Thumbnail Glasses
    Our staff will help you find the best fit for your specific needs and explain how different lenses and frames will impact your vision.
  • Thumbnail contacts
    We offer a wide range of contact lenses to fit your needs including contact lens exams and fittings.